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How to Conduct Effective Internal Audits for Legal Compliance

legal compilance

In today’s complexity of the business environment, legal compliance with the law means more than just a regulator’s requirement—it speaks volumes about corporate integrity and reputation. Internal audits performed at organizational levels are intended to help an organization conform to legal standards, manage risks, and retain operational efficiency. Proceed further through the article to learn how to continue with effective internal audits on a legal standpoint of compliance, ensuring that an organization can manage and mitigate potential legal challenges accordingly.

Realizing the Value of a Legal Compliance Audit

Legal compliance audits are an independent and documented review of a business’s compliance with laws and regulations that concern the business.On that note, they should have rules and guidelines provided by the business. These audits are critical in highlighting gaps, ensuring compliance, protecting against legal inflictions, and making room for improvements, therefore breeding this culture of transparency and accountability across the board.

Steps to Conduct Effective Internal Audits for Legal Compliance

Define the Scope and Objectives

The scope and objectives of the internal audit should be clear. Define the detailed law, regulation, and internal policy that can be included in the audit. This can be industry-related regulations, laws of labor, law of data security, environmental regulations, and so on and so forth. Objectives need to be set appropriately, as it is because of the accomplishment of the set objectives that the audit would be worthy, focused, and worth the resources to be as a general rule.

Create a Qualified Audit Team

The success of the internal audit largely depends on the competence and independence of the audit team. It is of profound significance to structure a team that is equipped with all necessary legal and financial knowledge concerning the systems of operation. The members should be independent and free from any type of conflict of interest to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the complete process of the audit.

Prepare an Audit Plan

An audit plan is a map to the entire process of auditing. It points out the scope, time schedule, resources to be used, and methodologies to be followed in an audit. It should carry a detailed checklist of legal compliance requirements and aspects, data collection forms, and reporting procedures. Well-structured audit planning aids in the effective management of the audit process and can ensure that nothing critical is left out. 

Conduct a thorough Review

Fundamentally, the audit will involve an examination of all pertinent documents, procedures, and operations. Therefore, contracts, financial documents, files, and any other relevant documents would have to be checked as to conformity with the existing legislations. The audit team has to interview the organization’s key personnel to grasp the organization’s practice on conformity and to note any areas of concern.

Identify and Document Findings

Document findings during the audit as the audit progresses. Identifying findings would involve cases of non- compliance, areas where risks appear intrinsic, and perhaps recommendations for identified improvement areas. These findings should be evidenced, which could either be documents, e-mails, and notes made during interviews, thus making them credible and reliable

Effectiveness of Evaluating Compliance Programs

Beyond merely identifying instances of non-compliance, the audit should also assess the general effectiveness of the organization’s compliance programs. This would include an evaluation of the adequacy of the policies in place, the effectiveness of training programs, and the capacity of the organization to monitor and enforce compliance. An efficient compliance program should be proactive in ensuring that legal issues are forestalled

Offer Improvement Recommendations

Based on the audit reports, the audit team would provide recommendations in a manner such recommendations are actionable towards enhancing the compliance. Some of the possible recommendations could be updating policies, training for employees, more coherence in records management, or even new compliance or monitoring tools. The idea is to plug all the holes and enhance the compliance framework of the organization.

Prepare a Comprehensive Audit Report

Your next step would be to prepare a comprehensive audit report, outlining the audit objectives, scope, methodology, findings, and recommendations. Here, the report should be made very clear, concise, and thereby readable by the readers in general and more so management and the board of directors, who are important stakeholders of the audit report.

Follow Up on Implementation

An audit by itself is of little consequence if the recommendations from the audit itself do not get implemented. Following up on the progress regarding corrective action items and ensuring that, indeed, the organization resolves the problems raised is important. Regular follow-up audits can ensure that changes are tracked and compliance maintained continually. 


An effective internal audit is one of the most essentials in legal compliance and, conversely, to protect your organization from serious potential legal exposures. By conducting a structured set of activities and ensuring that the audit team competencies are at the highest level, assembled and that continuous improvement is strived for, your organization can be assured it fully satisfies not only regulatory but the best standards of corporate governance. Regular audits will protect your organization from court battles and enhance its reputation as a responsible and compliant business entity.

For more information on legal compliance and corporate advisory services, please visit Nazmi Zaini Chambers.


Q: What role do internal audits play in ensuring regulatory compliance?

A: Internal audits are quite important for ascertaining regulatory compliance, in that they create a systematic review and evaluation of the business entity’s conformance to the applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. These audits identify possible gaps in compliance, allow for risk mitigation, and ensure that an organization remains aligned with changing regulatory requirements.

Q: What impact does business law in Malaysia have on the process of conducting internal audits?

A: Business law has a great influence on internal audits in Malaysia because it sets the legal basis on which businesses conduct their activities. Internal audits ensure that companies adhere to domestic laws, such as the Companies Act 2016, and other regulations underpinning business law in Malaysia practices.

Q: Why is it important to consider legal compliance in internal audits?

A. Legal compliance is important in internal audits because it ensures that the organization works within the confines of the law. Internal audits identify areas where a company is failing to meet their legal obligations, hence enabling them to take corrective actions that will keep them safe from legal penalties.

Q. How does corporate advisory support internal audits for legal compliance?

A: Corporate advisory services in support of internal audits for legal compliance offer professional advice on leading practices, changing regulatory requirements, and the management of risk. Such services will help an organization align its internal audit process to legal requirements and strategic business objectives, ensuring comprehensive compliance management. Visit here and read more blogs.

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